Bishop's Visit Celebration

Dear St. John's Parish Family,

What a wonderful weekend we had with His Grace, Bishop Constantine and his assistant Nolan. We had a beautiful Vespers Service Saturday, followed by a dinner with the Parish Council. Sunday morning was glorious, as His Grace served the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy. There were so many beautiful moments, including the Forty Day blessing of Ignatius, newborn son of Tanner and Nicole, the blessing of our chanters, and the tonsuring of Shawn as Reader/Altar Server.
We were also blessed to have so many in attendance, many of whom drove some distance to be with us. 
Particularly, it was wonderful to have our beloved Fr. Makarios, who served our parish with dedication for so many years. As my mentor and Spiritual Father, it was especially meaningful for me to have him here.
I want to thank all who made the Bishop's visit such a great event - the Parish Council, all who helped prepare the Parish Hall for our beautiful luncheon, and all who stayed to help clean up.
His Grace was grateful for his time with us and spoke of what a great weekend he had. We are truly blessed to have Bishop Constantine serving us. He is a Bishop with a Pastor's heart, full of love and prayer for his flock. By God's grace, we look forward to many years of a growing relationship with him, as he cares for the 52 parishes of our Holy Metropolis. 
Eis polla eti Despota! Many Years to You, Master!




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